JBI Construction, Inc. Search | Advanced Search | New Members | Coupons and Discounts | All Categories   Other >> INDOT Prequalified Contractors as of 11/01/2024 >> E(E) Small Structure, Culverts and Drainage Items JBI Construction, Inc. 10335 Hedden RdEvansville, IN 47725 | map | directions (812) 867-5959 Visit Site JBI Construction, Inc. is a specialized concrete construction company that has served the Tri-State area for 15 years. JBI specializes in slip-form curb and gutter, median barrier wall, and bridge rail. No job it too big or too small. If there is a way to slip-form any type of concrete, we have done it or can do it. JBI has worked for large industrial complexes such as Honda and Toyota, and constantly perform work for Indiana and Kentucky DOT. Member Since: 2004 Send a message to: JBI Construction, Inc. Your Name: Your Email: Subject: Message: (Date: 3/11/2025)