Traffic Control Specialists, LLC Search | Advanced Search | New Members | Coupons and Discounts | All Categories   Other >> A - Z >> Subcontractors Traffic Control Specialists, LLC 1810 W Pacific AveKnox, IN 46534 | map | directions (574) 772-7001 Visit Site Connect With Us Traffic Control Specialists, LLC is now doing business as High Star Traffic. We continue to provide comprehensive traffic control services to any size contractor or company. This includes small or large traffic setups and switches both short-term and long-term, flagging crews, temporary and permanent striping and signage, a full sign and print shop, traffic IT services, maintenance of traffic plans, and sales of safety equipment and supplies. Member Since: 2019 Send a message to: Traffic Control Specialists, LLC Your Name: Your Email: Subject: Message: (Date: 2/13/2025)